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About US

At CW Real Estate Academy, we are driven by a vision to revolutionize the real estate industry with a different, better, and collaborative approach. Our objectives serve as the guiding principles behind our mission to transform the landscape of real estate, empower aspiring professionals, and elevate standards within the sector.

1. Knowledge Transformation:

We are dedicated to reshaping the real estate market by providing comprehensive knowledge and fostering a deeper understanding of its intricacies. By blending theoretical insights with practical skills, we aim to equip aspiring professionals with the tools they need to thrive in this dynamic field.

2. Creating Opportunities:

Our mission extends beyond individual success to encompass the broader goal of creating opportunities within the real estate sector. By expanding job prospects, fostering networks, and promoting innovation, we strive to attract talented individuals to pursue rewarding careers in real estate while generating wealth and prosperity for all stakeholders.

3. Skills Enhancement:

Central to our approach is the continuous enhancement of sales skills essential for success in the real estate industry. Through targeted training programs, we empower professionals to excel in areas such as effective communication, negotiation techniques, and comprehensive property knowledge.

At CW Real Estate Academy, we are committed to driving positive change within the real estate industry, fostering collaboration, and empowering the next generation of real estate professionals to succeed in a rapidly evolving market. Join us as we redefine the future of real estate together.

For Rentals and sales , check out

For Land Ownership

For Shortstays/vacation

To Join Our Team

Aramide - aramide@cwlagos.com

Course Highlights

  • Practical , hands-on learning experiences.
  • Guest speakers offering industry insights and perspectives..
  • Real-life case studies and stimulations for practical application.
  • Emphasis on professionalism, ethics and legal compliance.
  • Guidance on creating effective marketing strategies and personal branding.
  • Exposure to different business structures, financing options , and investment strategies
  • Networking opportunities to build a professional community.

Syllabus & Activities Details

  • Each day structured with a blend of theory and practical sessions.
  • Quizzes and practical assignments.
  • Case studies and real-life stimulation exercises for hands-on experience.
  • Group activities , role play exercises and presentation for interactive learning.
  • Worksheets, guides , book recommendations and other materials for further self-study and application
  • Network building activities.
  • Demonstration on how Cw markets high-end ultra luxurious properties.
  • Real estate market analysis exercises.
  • Legal document drafting practice for offer letters and agreements.
  • Final projects and presentations to showcase learned skills and knowledge.



A 3-Day Training On Real Estate Fundamentals

Academy Details

Target Audience

Age Range

20 - 35 Years


May 15th to 17th 2024


9:00am to 4:00pm

(3 hours per section/modules and 1hr break) each day


How much does does the course cost?

The course is free of charge.

How long does the course run for?

3 days.

Is it an online or physical class?

Physical class.

What do i stand to gain as a student ?

Expert insights, Hands on practicals, Networking opportunities, and more...

Is there a certificate on completion?

Yes, you would be awarded a certificate on completion.


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